Monday, February 08, 2010

The Last Iceberg.

The Last Iceberg. Photographs by Camille Seaman. Text by Paul Hawken. photolucida, Portland, OR, 2008. 64 pp., 29 color illustrations, 8½x10".

Photographer Camille Seaman has won a number of awards and had her work published in Newsweek and American Photo amongst others.

'The Last Iceberg'-series of photographs are part of a larger project called 'Melting Away', which documents the environment, life form, community and history of human exploration of the polar regions.

"It is hardly possible to look at Camille Seaman’s icebergs as inert or insentient. Therein lies the gift these images bestow.

Though they are made of ice, these massifs of the sea are as diverse and distinct as any terrestrial form. The tabular mesas broken off from the Weddell Ice Shelf are white glazed deserts. The crystal pinnacles cast off from Greenland seem to be mountaintops set adrift.

Icebergs known as drydocks can have arches and bridges carved by rain and wind. Unstable pinnacles can invert themselves as they melt above sea line, creating localized tidal waves that can easily swamp a nearby boat."

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