Monday, February 22, 2010

Broken Landscapes.

Broken Landscapes 2003 - 2008. Photographs by Orna Wertman. Orna Wertman, Amsterdam, 2009. 40 pp., 30 color illustrations, 11¾x8½".

In 'Broken Landscapes' photographer Orna Wertman is examining 'the fragmentation of perception, the concomitant experience of reality, globalisation and the permanent danger of the unexpected'.

The landscape photographs taken by Wertman are beautiful and seemingly fairly conventional, and it's only after a few viewings that you realise there's something slightly wrong with Wertman’s depicted scenery - a disturbance or a natural relation that doesn't quite tally.

As exampled: "a breakwater doesn’t go into the sea but into a swampy landscape; what seems to be sky is a field of ice in which absent trees are reflected; the birch wood tree depicted also has its entire root system exposed".

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